ABSTRACT: This studyaims to examine the performance of the tourismsector of West NusaTenggara (NTB) by using a balancedscorecardapproach and an objective matrix. Performance measurementisbased on four perspectives of the balancedscorecard, namely finance, customers, internal business processes, and growth and learning. The researcherevaluates performance measurementusing the BalancedScorecardmethodwhichincludes setting strategictargets, determining key performance indicators (KPI), and setting targets. The strategictargetsformed are 8 KPIs. In addition, the researcheralsoanalyzed the Objective Matrix worksheet, sothat the value of each performance indicator and the total value of performance in a certain periodcouldbeknown. Based on the results of the study, it can beconcludedthat the performance of the NTB Tourism Office in 2020 isverybad and has experienced a verysignificantdecline
Keywords: Objective Matrix, BalancedScorecard, Tourism Performance