ABSTRACT: Bags are one of the most sought-after commodities by women when they are in central shopping. Bags are a fascinating accessory for fashion, women buyers intent Local bags accounted for 70% of online surveys. The survey was conducted and 90% of 20 women aged 18-25 in Bandung and Jakarta preferred local bags based on design, function, brand, price, and mood. Nowadays, consumers are more interested in getting emotional pleasures from their shopping experiences than they are in getting high-quality items at reduced prices.Norche is a fashion brand located in Indonesia that provides women’s bags with special durable materials. This research was conducted using qualitative data to determine the behavior of Norche customers when making a purchase. Preliminary research based on internal and external conditions using Porter’s Five Forces and knowing the satisfaction score using CSAT. The study discovered that Norche lacked an emotional approach to clients since its social media material lacked an emotional connection. The author used Customer Journey Mapping and Emotional Branding Driven to determine how emotional buyers are. The plan must improve the marketing, social media content, cooperation, and assured member cards.
KEYWORDS -Customer Journey Mapping, Eco-friendly Bags, Emotions Branding, Local Brand Development, Porter’s Five Forces.