Work Motivation, Organizational Culture, and Employee Performance in an Indonesian Sugar Company: Does Job Satisfaction Play an Intervening Role

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Work Motivation, Organizational Culture, and Employee Performance in an Indonesian Sugar Company: Does Job Satisfaction Play an Intervening Role

ABSTRACT:- The sugar industry is a strategic sector in Indonesia, playing a crucial role in supporting national and regional economic growth, advancing the agricultural sector, ensuring food security, and increasing employment opportunities. This study aims to examine the impact of work motivation and organizational culture on employee performance at PG Kebon Agung, Malang, Indonesia, while exploring the mediating role of job satisfaction. A quantitative research approach was employed, with a questionnaire as the data collection instrument and path analysis as the data analysis tool, supported by SPSS software. Additionally, the Sobel test was used to measure the mediating effect of job satisfaction on the relationship between work motivation, organizational culture, and employee performance. The results show that work motivation and organizational culture positively influence job satisfaction and employee performance. The Sobel test analysis confirms that job satisfaction mediates the effect of work motivation and organizational culture on employee performance. This study provides empirical evidence of the importance of work motivation, organizational culture, and job satisfaction in enhancing employee performance in the sugar industry. The study’s limitations include its focus on specific divisions and variables, suggesting that future research should consider a larger sample size and explore additional factors that may influence employee performance across various organizational contexts.

Keyword: Work Motivation, Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction, Employee Performance, Sugar Company.

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