Digital Financial Literacy and the Financial Health of the Owners of Micro Enterprises in Calapan City

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Digital Financial Literacy and the Financial Health of the Owners of Micro Enterprises in Calapan City

ABSTRACT: Digital financial literacy refers to understanding and using digital technologies to manage finances. However, owners cannot sustain their business growth due to a lack of financial access and limited knowledge of technologies. The purpose of this research is to investigate whether digital financial literacy influences the financial health of Calapan City microenterprise owners. The investigator specifically chose 76 microenterprise proprietors in Calapan City.  Using a quantitative research approach and descriptive correlation data, the study was able to collect the necessary data to accurately anticipate a particular problem or hypothesis. To convert the qualitative responses into numerical values, the Likert scale was employed. Researchers created questionnaires and used them to interview microenterprise owners to obtain data. Data input and analysis were conducted using a correlational technique to examine the relationship between digital financial literacy and the financial health of the microenterprise owners. The data has been displayed in tabular format. The research found that digital knowledge, awareness of digital financial services, practical know-how in using digital financial services, and the ability to avoid fraud substantially influenced the financial health of the microenterprise owners. Nevertheless, the research underscored the importance of promoting digital financial literacy among owners of microenterprises to enhance their financial health. For this reason, the study proposes that microenterprise owners should have strategies to have more stable financial health.

KEYWORDS – Ability to avoid fraud, awareness in digital financial services, digital financial literacy, digital knowledge, practical know-how in using digital financial services

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