ABSTRACT:– The present study aims to conduct scientific analysis to improve the performance of Civil Servants (PNS) at the Secretariat of Pematangsiantar DPRD. The independent variables are Leadership Style (X1), Communication (X2), and Work Motivation (X3), while the Variable is Performance (Y1).Hypothesis testing was carried out with the F test and T-test, which in the data processing used multiple regression analysis approaches. Based on multiple regression analysis, the following regression equation Y = 18,831 + 0,090X1 + 0,048X2 + 0,437X3. All Independent Variables (Leadership Style, Communication, and Work Motivation) simultaneously positively and significantly affect the Variable Terikat (Performance). Meanwhile, partially, the leadership style has a positive and significant influence on performance. Similarly, communication has a positive and significant effect on performance, and work motivation has a positive and significant effect on performance. The dominant independent variable is communication with a coefficient of 8.377.
Keywords: Performance, Leadership Style, Communication, Work Motivation