ABSTRACT: In its operational activities, the company aims to maximize company profits by using theresources it has and increasing company value and improving the welfare of shareholders. In order to increaseinvestors’ confidence in investing in a company, the company needs to have good corporate values. The decisionto invest can be influenced by company value, which is an indicator of the company’s financial performance and can be used to determine the company’s performance in the coming period. The aim of this research is todetermine the effect of liquidity, leverage and profitability on the company value of 14 pharmaceutical andhealth companies listed on the IDX. The object of this research is the company’s annual financial report. Theinformation used is the balance sheet and profit and loss report for the 2016-2021 period. The variables studiedare Liquidity, Leverage and Profitability as measuring tools to determine company value. According to itsnature, the type of data consists of quantitative data in the form of company financial reports. The datacollection method used in this research is a documentation studywww.idx.co.id, Data analysis was carried outusing multiple linear regression analysis. Research resultsIt is hoped that this will be a consideration forinvestors and potential investors who wish to invest through the Indonesian Stock Exchange.
Keywords: Liquidity; Leverage; Profitability; Firm value