ABSTRACT: The study examined the effect of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial ability. The study adopted survey research design. The population of the study consisted of 26,168 final year students of federal tertiary institutions in south–western Nigeria. The study adopted stratified sampling and random sampling techniques. The table of sample size determination was used to determine the sample size at 95% confidence level and 5% margin error to arrive at a sample size of 5234. The elements of population were final year students of the selected of federal tertiary institutions in south–western Nigeria. structured questionnaire titled “Entrepreneurship Education and students‟ Entrepreneurial ability” the study found that each of the entrepreneurship education variables significantly affects Entrepreneurial ability (Entrepreneurship curriculum; B= 1.204, R2=0.102, F(1,1875) = 212.605,P< 0.05) Entrepreneurship Teaching Methods B= 1.244, R2=0.759, F(1,1875) = 5895.815,P<0.05) Entrepreneurship infrastructure B= -1.200, R2=0.679, F(1,1875) = 3958.345, P< 0.05) Entrepreneurship mentorship B= -1.027, R2=0.502, F(1,1875) = 1924.612,P< 0.05). The results indicated that demographic factors (Age, Gender, and family background) had no statistically significant combined moderating effect on the relationship between entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial ability. Moderating effect of combined demographic factors on the relationship between entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial ability; B= -0.384, ∆R=0.000, ∆F= 0.121, p>0.05 therefore Entrepreneurship education has positive significant effect on entrepreneurial ability of students of selected federal tertiary institutions in south–western Nigeria. The study concluded that entrepreneurship education positively affect entrepreneurial ability of federal tertiary institutions in south–western Nigeria. The study recommended that to promote entrepreneurial ability of selected federal tertiary institutions in south–western Nigeria. Entrepreneurship Infrastructures that can aid entrepreneurial ability of students should be put in place. Appropriate entrepreneurship teaching methods should be adopted and appropriate curriculum should be designed in entrepreneurship education.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship Curriculum, Entrepreneurship Teaching methods, Entrepreneurship Infrastructure, Entrepreneurial Mentorship, Demographic