Exploring Factors That Influence Work Engagement in Social Welfare Institution at Gayo Lues Atjeh – Indonesia

Exploring Factors That Influence Work Engagement in Social Welfare Institution at Gayo Lues Atjeh – Indonesia

ABSTRACT:- This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of Psychological Meaningfulness, job insecurity, Employee Empowerment, Commitment Organizational on Work Engagement in Social Welfare Institution at Gayo Lues. The research in done through the distribution of questionnaire, and the population of this research is consisted of the employees in Social Welfare Institution at Gayo Lues. That was done to 50 respondents using a quantitative descriptive approach. The approach used in this research is Structural Equation Model (SEM) with Smart-PLS analysis tools 3.0. The results of this study are that Psychological meaningfulness, Employee empowerment, Organizational commitment has a significant positive effect on work engagement, and only Job Insecurity has a significant negative effect on work engagement.

Keywords:- Psychological Meaningfulness, Job Insecurity, Employee Empowerment, Commitment Organizational, Work Engagement, Gayo Lues.

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