Factors Affecting the Profitability of F&B Companies Listed on the Vietnam Stock Exchange

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Factors Affecting the Profitability of F&B Companies Listed on the Vietnam Stock Exchange

ABSTRACT: Secondary data were collected and filtered from the financial statements of 99 companies over a six-year period (from 2017 to 2022) across three stock exchanges: HOSE, HNX, and UPCOM. This data was analyzed to identify the factors affecting the profitability of companies in the F&B sector using a combination of qualitative (grounded theory) and quantitative methods (descriptive statistics and linear regression). The data collected was analyzed using STATA 17 software. The results indicate that there are eight factors affecting the profitability of companies in the F&B industry listed on the stock exchange. These factors include: operating time (AGE), company size (SIZE), revenue growth rate (GRO), financial leverage (LEV), inventory turnover ratio (ITR), total asset turnover ratio (ATR), current ratio (CR), and e-commerce (EC). Based on the research findings, specific solutions have been proposed to assist F&B companies listed on the stock exchange, investors, and credit organizations in making business or investment decisions.

KEYWORDS – Inventory turnover, Profitability, F&B industry

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