ABSTRACT : Foodservice providers now compete on a new level for client pleasure as the contemporary world and its people’s habits change. So, food firms have to come up with a plan to keep their goods in demand, one of which is via marketing techniques executed by each company in the very competitive industry. This study aimed to investigate the extent to which Zayurku’s 7 P marketing approach for ready meals had an impact. A detailed study of previous research connected to the mixed idea of marketing and descriptive analysis examines the best practices of 7 P marketing strategies currently in use. Applying all seven points of the 7p marketing strategy with the situation that Zayurku’s firm will operate is how the process works. According to the findings of this research, Zayurku’s marketing approach includes both traditional and digital elements. Customer satisfaction is anticipated from Zayurku’s company’s goods and services because of the company’s strong reputation.
KEYWORD : Ready Meals, Healthy Food, Strategic Financial, Business Plan, Zayurku.