Abstract : The digital transformation of financial institutions in Africa represents an opportunity for modernization and growth, but it also comes with new challenges and risks. In this context, risk management strategiesplay a crucial role in ensuring the success and sustainability of these institutions. Taking the Caisse Populaire d’Épargne et de Crédit de Guinée (CPECG) – Yètè Mali as an example, this article explores the different approachesadopted to identify, assess and mitigate the risks linked to digital transformation. By implementingrobustsecuritymeasures, ensuring effective data governance, and strengthening monitoring and incident management, financial institutions cansuccessfullynavigate the evolving digital landscapewhileprotecting the interests of their customers and of their organization.
Keywords: Digital transformation, Financial institutions, Risk management, Data security, Cybersecurity, Surveillance, CPECG-Yètè Mali, Africa.