ABSTRACT:- Factors that can affect the optimization of company value can be achieved through the implementation of financial management functions, where one financial decision taken will affect other financial decisions and have an impact on the value of the company. Efficient financial management requires several goals or targets, because the assessment of whether a financial decision is efficient or not must be made based on several standards. The company’s goal is to maximize the wealth of the company’s owners. The normative goal of a company is to maximize the value of the company or wealth for shareholders, in the short term for companies going public is reflected in the market price of the company’s shares in the capital market.
This study is a quantitative explanatory study, to obtain clarity on the phenomena that occur in the empirical world and try to get answers, which aims to explain the causal relationship between variables through data analysis in order to test the hypothesis.
Research results: The Effect of Corporate Governance Structure on Dividend Policy, The Effect of Financial Decisions on Dividend Policy, The Effect of Corporate Governance Structure on Company Value, The Effect of Financial Decisions on Company Value. Financial decisions have a significant effect on company value, The Effect of Dividend Policy on Company Value. Dividend policy shows a negative effect on company value, The Effect of Corporate Governance Structure through Dividend Policy Mediator on Company Value. Corporate governance structure through dividend policy does not show a significant influence on company value, The Influence of Financial Decisions through Dividend Policy Mediators on Company Value. Financial decisions through dividend policy also do not show a significant influence on company value
Keywords: corporate, dividend, governance, value, structure