Abstract: This research was motivated by work stress and its effect on various aspects of organizational output, such as research on emotional intelligence, motivation, and performance. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of work stress onemployeeperformanceinthetransportationindustryinJakarta.Thestudywasconductedon 350 respondents in the territory of Indonesia with the SEM analysis method. Theoverall results show that work stress, emotional intelligence, motivation have a positiveand significant effect on employee performance.Suggestions for further research canuse wider variables so that they can understand more deeply the factors that can affect employee performance. The contribution of this research is expected to provide recommendations for companies to hold and carry out training and motivational refreshment on an ongoing basis. Carrying out training and motivational refreshment is quiteimportantconsideringthatoperationalemployeesarethespearheadofthecompany causing emotional exhaustion, so this training is expected to be able to create a good workingatmosphere.
Keywords: Jobstress,emotionalintelligence,motivation,performance,SEM(StructuralEquationModeling)