The study investigates the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on firm’s performance, presented as a ‘donation total’. It also seeks to complement the literature on CSR and donation total, from the perspective of UK. The research design is exploratory, whilst adopting a descriptive approach. This paper examined a meta-analysis of data from key related studies, drew heavily from previous relevant literature evidence from same. Findings revealed that the measure of CSR used, donations total had an insignificant impact on the firm performance, in spite of the seemingly useful or meaningfulness of the concept of donation total. There appears to be no relationship between CSR and Firm performance. Notwithstanding, there appears a positive relationship between the engagement of CSR and Firm performance. The review therefore argues donation total implies that firms carrying out CSR will need to operate in such a manner that enhances their responsibility towards both internal and external stakeholders and not focus only to maximise shareholders wealth. That way, it could lead to a win-win for all stakeholders.
Key words:– Corporate social responsibility; Corporate governance; Donation total; Firm’s performance, Stakeholders theory,